
Short Statment

My work explores the intricate relationships between humans and non-human organisms by translating imperceptible data found in natural elements into tangible experiences. By combining biological materials with machines and utilizing various methods, including computational and analog approaches, I aim to reveal the invisible world and make it audible through sound. My experiments have involved working with bioluminescent algae, soil bacteria, my breathing data, and bioelectricity, among other elements. My current research is focused on exploring the physical nature of human perception and is driven by post-digital media concepts and contemporary scientific research methods, which are then presented through artistic representations.


안효주. Sabina Hyoju Ahn. 자연에 존재하지만 눈으로는 보이지 않는 숨겨진 패턴이나, 규칙등을 찾는 것에 흥미가 많고 죽음과 생명, 에너지의 순환과 다양한 변환에 대해 고민한다. 미시적인 입자 또는 데이터를 인간의 감각기관으로 변환하는 작업에 초점을 두고 있으며, 인간과 비인간생명체 그리고 테크놀로지와의 다층적인 관계를 탐구한다. 미시적 관점에서의 생명의 움직임과 현상을 데이터로 측정하여 오디오비주얼, 사운드 퍼포먼스, 인스톨레이션등의 형태로 표현하며, 포스트 디지털 미디어의 개념과 현대과학 및 예술적연구 방법을 적용한 인간 지각 시스템의 물리적 특성에 중점을 두고 있다. 또한 모듈라서울의 멤버로 정기적으로 전자음악 콘서트와 워크숍을 진행하고 있고, DIY_of_things 라는 이름으로 아날로그 테크놀로지를 사용한 직접 만드는 회로에 대한 정보를 DIY/DIWO 커뮤니티와 공유하고 있다. Transmediale (독일), Mediamatic (네덜란드), Athens Digital Arts Festival (그리스), 대청호미술관 (대한민국), ACT페스티벌 (대한민국), 아트센터나비 (대한민국), V2 (네덜란드), Tehran Annual Digital Art Exhibition [Tadaex] (이란), WRO 폴란드 미디어아트 비엔날레 (폴란드), Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] (일본), Ars Electronica Festival(오스트리아) 등에 참여하였고, Cité Internationale des Arts (파리국제예술공동체) 레지던시, Akademie Schloss Solitude 펠로우십 및 NIME 2017에서 Best Sound Performance를 수상하였다.

Sabina Hyoju Ahn is an artist engaging with various media represented through auditory perception, tactile sense, visual elements and a mixture of digital and analog technology. Her research seeks to find hidden rules and patterns in natural elements and multi-layered relationships between human and non-human beings by translating imperceptible data in natural elements into different perceptual experiences. In her work, biological materials are often used, combined or connected to machines, and transformed. Her recent research focuses on the physical nature of the human perceptional system driven by a post-digital media concept and applying a contemporary scientific and artistic research method. She completed her MA in computational arts at Goldsmiths University of London/UK (2015) and Mmus in ArtScience at the Royal Conservatoire and the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague/The Netherlands (2017). She has broadened her artistic spectrum worldwide, showcasing her work at events including Transmediale, Berlin/Germany (2016/2017), Mediamatic, Amsterdam/The Netherlands (2017), Athens Digital Arts Festival, Athens/Greece (2017), Art Center Nabi, Seoul (2018), ACT Festival, Gwangju/South Korea (2017/2019), V2_Lab for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam/The Netherlands (2018), TADAEX festival, Tehran/Iran (2018) and WRO Media Art Biennale, Wrocław/Poland (2019), Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, Yamaguchi/Japan (2021), Ars Electronica Festival, Linz/Austria (2022). In 2018, Sabina Hyoju Ahn was artist-in-residence at Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris/France, supported by the Gana Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul, and she participated in a fellowship program under thematic focus at Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany in 2020-2021. In 2017, she was awarded Best Sound Performance from NIME (New Interface for Musical Expression 2017), Copenhagen/Denmark.

Sabina Hyoju Ahn ist Medienkünstlerin. In ihrer Forschung befasst sie sich mit der Suche nach verborgenen Regeln und Mustern in natürlichen Elementen und den vielschichtigen Beziehungen zwischen menschlichen und nicht-menschlichen Lebewesen, indem sie nicht wahrnehmbare Daten in unterschiedliche Wahrnehmungserfahrungen übersetzt. Sie verwendet häufig biologische Materialien, die sie miteinander kombiniert, mit Maschinen verbindet oder transformiert. Ihre aktuelle Forschung konzentriert sich auf die physikalischen Grundlagen des menschlichen Wahrnehmungssystems und vereint postdigitale Medienkonzepte mit zeitgenössischen wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Forschungsmethoden. Sie studierte Computational Arts am Goldsmiths, University of London/Großbritannien (MA, 2015), und ArtScience am Royal Conservatoire und der Royal Academy of Art, Den Hague/Niederlande (MA, 2017). Ihre Arbeiten wurden in Südkorea und Europa ausgestellt: transmediale, Berlin/Deutschland (2016/17), Mediamatic »Biotalk«, Amsterdam/Niederlande (2017), Athens Digital Arts Festival/Griechenland (2017), Art Center Nabi, Seoul (2018), ACT Festival, Gwangju/Südkorea (2017/2019), V2_Lab for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam/Niederlande (2018), TADAEX Festival, Tehran/Iran (2018), WRO Media Art Biennale, Breslau/Polen (2019), u. a. 2018 war sie Artist-in-Residence an der Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris/Frankreich, unterstützt von der Gana Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul. 2017 wurde ihr auf der NIME-Konferenz (Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression) in Kopenhagen/Dänemark der Award Best Sound Performance from NIME verliehen.

サビナ・ヒョジュ・アン 聴覚、触覚、視覚的要素、そしてデジタルとアナログ技術の混合に よって表現される様々なメディアに取り組むアーティストです。彼 女の研究は、自然の要素に含まれる知覚できないデータをさまざ まな知覚体験に変換することで、自然の要素に隠された規則やパ ターン、人間と非人間の感覚的な存在の間の多層的な関係を見つけ ることを目的としています。 彼女の作品では、生物学的な素材が使用されたり、組み合わされた り、機械に接続されたり、変形されたりします。最近では、ポスト・デ ジタル・メディアの概念によって駆動される人間の知覚システムの 物理的性質に焦点を当て、現代の科学的かつ芸術的な方法で研究を 行っています。ゴールドスミス大学(ロンドン)コンピュテーショナ ル・アート修士課程修了(2015 年)、ロイヤル・コンセルバトワールお よ び ロ イ ヤ ル・ア カ デ ミ ー・オ ブ・ア ー ト( ハ ー グ )ア ー ト サ イ エ ン ス 修士課程修了(2017 年)。