Sabina Hyoju AHN


©2020 by Sabina Hyoju Ahn

This practice is to examine our physical nature of perceptions in extremely cold material to see how our perceptual system can be differently perceiving our physical nature and how our perceptional system has been adapted to the world (earth). Especially, the sound is our primitive sense before the vision when we were in the first watery environment, and it is a very physical phenomenon because it delivers through air pressures. Living beings are very physical entities; our senses and our lives are very dependent on environmental conditions such as temperature, pressures and etc. Ironically the cryogenic material such as liquid nitrogen and liquid helium are the liquids that can be represented as an origin of life, however, no life can survive in this temperature. Also, physical condition is totally changed -- according to quantum physics, atoms behave like a wave in this extreme temperature, therefore, unusual phenomena such as superfluid and superconductivity can happen.

In order to calculate the speed of sound, I apply a formula below: measuring the value of distance, temperature, and calculating the speed of sound by an algorithm. And then, the speed of sound is transformed into infrasound so people can sense the different physical characters by their own body, pressure sense.

V (m/s) = 331.3 + (0.606 × T)
V = Speed of sound (m/s)
T = Air Temperature (°C)

Usually, at room temperature, the speed of sound is 343 m/s, but when it goes down below to near absolute zero, the sound wave passes through matters very slowly -- up to 2m/s (this is called second sound phenomenon in quantum physics).


This work is funded by "Pro Invest 2018" Stroom Den Haag (Netherlands), and Kunstuniversität Linz (Austria).