
Noise Mix Set @Resonance FM (UK)

@mooar.residency, 17 January 25, 8pm (UK)

Neural Tides @NeurIPS 2024

Vancouver Convention Center, East Ballroom C.
11 December 24 - 13.December 24

Innovative Architecture Solutions

We craft unique and innovative designs, working closely with our clients to bring their visions to life.

Microbial Mindscapes @MAT Seminar Series

Media Arts and Technology, UC Santa Barbara.
Elings Hall 2611 or on Zoom.

Microbial Mindscapes @SBCAST

Santa Barbara Center for Art, Science and Technology.
513 Garden st. Studio F, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, US
2 December 24 - 8.December 24

Neural Tides @GITEX Dubai Presented by Sonar and Art Korea Lab

Sónar+D at Expand North, Dubai Harbour, UAE.
13 October 24 - 16 October 24

Sabina Hyoju Ahn's Portfolio @ARKO Young Artist Day

ARKO Art Center, Seoul, KR.
3 September 24 - 8 September 24

Microbial Mindscapes Premiere @Ars Electronica Festival 2024

LIT Exhibition, JKU, Linz, Austria
4 September 24 - 8 September 24

DIY Synth Workshop @SBCAST

Santa Barbara Center for Art, Science and Technology.
513 Garden st. Studio F, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, US
26 July 24 - 28 July 24

Neural Tides Premiere @Sónar Festival 2024

Sónar Festival +D (Project Area), Barcelona, ES
13 June 24 - 15 June 24

Parasitic Signals @CCKPT SATELLITE SOUND ART @Contra.joburg

Johannesburg, South Africa
25 May 24 - 26 May 24

Parasitic Signals & DIY Bionoise
@cckpt • sound art •datasonification

Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf, DE
18 April 24 - 28 April 24

Sonomatter @Suncheon Bay National Garden

in Dream Bridge (Permanent installation), Sunchun-si, KR
1 April 24 ~



Nov 14 - Jan 29https://kfw-stiftung.de/en/events/ausstellung-mutationsMutations /https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaWS7X4YmSYexhibition. KFW Stiftung Villa 102, Frankfurt, DE

Feb 2https://www.downtownsb.org/events/1st-thursday/venues" target='_black'>1st Thursday Art Walk ("Coexistence with the SARS-CoV-2 Virus" AV performance). SBCast, Santa Barbara. USA

Apr 3 Séminaire interdisciplinaire « Actualité de la recherche » II (CREAA)https://creaa.unistra.fr/evenements/seminaires/seminaire-interdisciplinaire-actualite-de-la-recherche-creaa/seminaire-interdisciplinaire-actualite-de-la-recherche-creaa-ii/nature-a-loeuvre-dans-lart/sabina-hyoju-ahn-the-perceptual-transformation-of-imperceptible-biological-data/" target='_black'>"The perceptual transformation of imperceptible biological data" (Lecture & Performance). Strasbourg University. Strasbourg, France.

Jul 18 <a href = "https://youtu.be/OUNhpFEIgZM?si=H-OG7EQ4UTJD-jmb" target='blank'>lull~ Yuyoung(유영) premiered. Yeowoorak Festival (Modular Seoul). National Theater of Korea, Seoul. KR

Aug 31~Sep 2 Zero one(zer01ne) Popup Eventhttps://www.instagram.com/p/CwkN78wyeSK/?img_index=4버섯발생(發生), Hwigyumjae, Seoul, KR (Sound Performance)

Oct 1 ~ Dec 15 Teaching "MUS 109/276IA (2023 Fall) - Introduction to Micro-Structural Composition and Sound Synthesis". University of California, Santa Barbara (Music / Media Arts and Technology), USA

Oct 24 - Oct 26 <a href = "https://visap.net/2023/IEEE VISAP23 "Parasitic Signals: Multimodal Sonata for Real-time Interactive Simulation of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus"(https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10343900">Paper &https://visap.net/2023/contributions/parasitic-signals-multimodal-sonata-for-real-time-interactive-simulation-of-the-sars-cov-2-virus">Exhibition). Melbourn, AU

Nov 02 <a href ="https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy66f5OvwBy/?img_index=11st Thursday Art Walk (Improvised sound performance with Ryan Millett). SBCAST, Santa Barbara, USA

Nov 18-19 ACT Festival, Gwangju, KR (Workshop and Performance by Modular Seoul)

Nov 23 - Nov 25 바람이 지나가는 자리 (Wind Traces) work presentation. Supported by Art Korea Lab, Art Korea Council, Korea Arts Management Service. (EP release, presentation) Project by Collective nshp. Art Korea Lab, Seoul, KR

Dec 8 <바람이 지나가는 소리(Wind Traces)> -https://linksalad.net/WvlYWIDdy6녹지 않는 (Plastic Snow) EP release (Mirrorball music, 미러볼 뮤직)


Dec 2.2021-Feb 06.2022https://kunstverein-wolfsburg.de/ausstellungen/" target='_black'>Under the Skin (Exhibition). Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, DE

Mar 28https://becominglocal.a-amp.org/Asia Artist Moving Image Platform(AAMP) "Becoming Local". Seoul, KR (online exhibition)

July 30https://www.instagram.com/p/CgJtR0fpeyK/NCS (Noise Competency Standards), AV performance. AHNCHEOLSOON(안철순), Seoul, KR

Aug 4https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf74yHODrpf/Dotolim #148, Dotolim(닻올림), Seoul, KR

Aug 11-Oct 23https://newart.city/show/arko-festival-2022-space-1" target='_black'>아르코융복합페스티벌 온라인 전시 [땅속 그물 이야기] Arko Art & Tech Festival [The Fable of Net in Earth](Online exhibition space sound design).https://www.fable-net-earth.art/" target='_black'>Arko Art Center Gallery(아르코 미술관, 온라인전시), Seoul, KR

Aug 20 Modular-Noise (AV Performace). RASA Gallery, Seoul, KR

Sep 7-11https://ars.electronica.art/planetb/en/lit-projects/Ars Electronica Festival (Kepler's Garden)https://www.jku.at/ars-electronica-2022-welcome-to-planet-b/JKU_LIT Exhibition. Linz, AT

Oct 2 Modular Seoul athttps://www.zer01neday.com/2022/ZER01NE DAY (Sound performance). Seoul, KR

Nov 4 - 15https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcx-ZtIBG-UArtience Daejoen 2022 (아티언스 대전 2022) exhibition. Deajeon, KR

Nov 6 ACT festival (DIY Modular Synthesizer Workshop). ACC(Asia Culture Center), Gwangju, KR

Nov 14 - Jan 29https://kfw-stiftung.de/en/events/ausstellung-mutationsMutations (exhibition). KFW Stiftung Villa 102, Frankfurt, DE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaWS7X4YmSY)

Dec 3 Modular Seoul 006 Concert (organisation). Seoul, KR


15.10.2020 - 30.06.2021https://www.akademie-solitude.de/en/themencluster/thematical-focus-mutations/Akademie Schloss Solitude(Fellowship). Stuttgart, DE

15.01.2021 Resonance 104.4 FM (https://player.resonancefm.com/">8pm).https://www.resonancefm.com/programmes/5ff8495350000bd410000003The More Womxn Residency mixset. London, UK

25.02.2021 SWR2 -https://www.swr.de/swr2/musik-klassik/akademie-schloss-solitude-mit-sonderprogramm-zum-thema-mutationen-100.htmlTreffpunkt Klassik - 10~11am (CET) Radio interview, Baden-Württemberg, DE

13.03.2021 - 26.03.02021https://www.facebook.com/events/1087211515085877Szene Panorama 3: Tresor Linz at Kunsthalle Linz. Linz, AT (Sound installation)

22.03.2021 Moderatinghttps://www.akademie-solitude.de/en/event/mutations-a-lecture-series/Mutations - Lecture Series (JoAnn Kuchera-Morin) Tohttps://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f536ByEoSBu7r03BeYcbGw"> Register

27.04.2021https://kicamp.org/en/Ki-Camp (as a speaker). DE (online event)

25.05.2021 Online Seminar. Kassel Kunsthochschule, DE

04.06.2021 - 11.07.2021https://www.orderofoperations.be/en/exhibition-map-en/Order of Operations(vernissage on 03/06/2021).https://www.bozar.be/en/calendar/order-operationsBozar, Brussels, BE

05.06.2021http://https://darv.org/DARV_Steps-UntoldSteps Untold(Sound/MR). Linz, AT

17.06.2021 - 01.08.2021https://www.e-flux.com/announcements/399048/mutations/Mutations Exhibition. Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, DE

24.06.2021 Onlinr Seminar. KHM (Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln), Köln, DE

01.07.2021 - 30.11.2021https://www.hbk-bs.de/en/aktuell/details/24765/Braunschweig Project (Residency). HBK, Braunschweig, DE

13.07.2021 Online seminar. Columbia University (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation). NYC, USA

23.07.2021 - 25.07.2021https://mdjstuttgart.de/terminleser-mdj/durational-sommer-festival-neuer-musik-in-stuttgart.html" >Sommer Festival neuer musik in Stuttgart

01.07.2021 - 31.12.2021 ARTIENCE 아티언스, Deajeon, KR

01.08.2021 - 31.08.2021 인공지능혁신인재-소닉아트과정 강의 (서울예대, 콘텐츠진흥원).

03.08.2021 Radio Show "I am a Strange Loop" mixset broadcasting (5pm in Rumania).https://blackrhinomusic.ro/radio/shows/i-am-a-strange-loop?fbclid=IwAR0g-zXW8tV6AFNGeuRhAb3ey4EKPSm5-Tr4_Gar4VbMdeHZSUXZdSNZiY8Black Rhino Music

27.08.2021-02.10.2021https://youtu.be/dQ4l-p6X2G4감지 않는 , 흐늘거리는 , 미생물의 노래 (Exhibition) . Kyomun Gallery (교문갤러리), Busan, KR

07.09.2021 - 11.12.2021https://suma.suwon.go.kr/exhi/current_view.do?lang=ko&ge_idx=1169Into the Nature 자연속으로 2 (Exhibition) (워크숍 Workshop-11.09.2021). Suwon Museum of Art(어린이생태미술체험관 풀잎), Kyunggido, KR

26.10.2021 - 11.11.2021 What I needed was Imagination (Braunschweig Project Exhibition). Braunschweig, DE

31.11.2021https://fb.me/e/2LxyerNQd문래코딩컴페티션(Performance), Mullae Art Space, Seoul, KR

02.12.2021~06.02.2022https://kunstverein-wolfsburg.de/ausstellungen/" target='_black'>Under the Skin (Exhibition). Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, DE

4.12.2021https://www.ycam.jp/events/series/sound-tectonics/">Sound Tectonics Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, Ymaguchi, JP

10.12.2021 Dotolim (sound performance). Seoul, KR

28.12.2021 창작자 某某씨의 공간 (서울문화재단 연구인 모임 지원사업 결과보고회). 청년예술청(Seoul Artists' Platform New&Young)Seoul, KR